Just as God fights the devil, man must fight the traitor within them that tells them to do the wrong things. What a man really wants, Eldredge says, is to be a hero to the person he loves.Įldredge says that within each person, there is a civil war going on. Young men going off to war carry a photo of their sweetheart in their wallet” writes the author. “A man wants to be the hero to the beauty. Romeo has Juliet, King Arthur had Guinevere and Robin Hood had Maid Marian.Įldredge writes that for a beautiful woman, men will storm the castle, slay the dragon–or in modern times, hit a game-winning shot. Men are made to go into the unknown and conquer it.Ī man’s last desire is to find a beauty to rescue. In every James Bond and Indiana Jones film, the main character goes on an adventure that tests them as a man and makes them stronger afterward. “Adventure requires something of us, puts us to the test,” says the author. The desire for an adventure to live is also part of being a hero in one’s own life. In almost every famous film, the main character has to fight something or someone to become a hero (ex. The desire to battle can also be found in books and movies. Even as kids, boys want to play war and attack something–whether it be another person or an object like a ball. In the bible it even says that “the LORD is a warrior the LORD is his name” (Ex.

He argues that aggression is part of the masculine design and that men are hardwired for it. Eldredge writes that the desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live and a beauty to rescue, are the three things that men desire most.